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Writer's pictureIshita Bora

Atlantic International Capital To Provide Portfolio Of Financial Products

Atlantic International Capital Digital Asset Group (AIC) is ready to provide a portfolio of financial products and services that drive innovative and customized crypto sponsorship solutions. Given the universal appeal of sports, crypto has exploded on the scene as a leading category of sports sponsorships.

It has been reported that with the sports demographic primarily comprised of ages 18-35, sports are an invaluable platform for crypto companies to realize tangible benefits and reach their target audience. As the crypto sponsorships category takes off, AIC helps blockchain companies expand their marketing budgets by offering companies the option to utilize cryptocurrencies.

However, Nielsen predicts blockchain sponsorships are projected to reach $5 billion by 2026. Companies can gain wider audiences for their products and services by participating in the AIC solution-driven program.

Rich Kinzler, AIC Sports and Entertainment Director, said:

“AIC Sports and Entertainment Group helps professional and college sports teams navigate the complexities of the digital asset sponsorship journey. We align sports properties seeking new and incremental sponsor revenue with crypto companies that are looking to expand their audience and grow the adoption of this currency.”

The report said that Pawtocol (UPI), a Coinbase-listed company, kicked off the program with its sponsorship at the University of Central Florida (UCF), one of the largest universities in America with a nation-leading athletic program. Working in conjunction with AIC, both Pawtocol and UCF crafted a unique sponsorship program that will launch during the upcoming 2022 fall football season.

Colin Jordan, the CEO of UPI, stated:

“As a startup in an emerging technology space, it is important for us to be very strategic about every move we make, especially when it comes to sales and marketing. AIC helps us to not only find opportunities that maximize our exposure with our target audience, but they facilitate these opportunities via our token, UPI, which helps us maximize the value of our marketing budget. Thanks to AIC’s trust in us, and UPI, we can do so much more with our budget than we would on our own — which is ultimately what makes this partnership so value-proof.”

Terry Mohajir, the UCF Athletic Director, said:

“Cryptocurrency is growing at a rapid rate, especially in the state of Florida, and this innovative partnership program is a perfect fit for UCF Athletics.”

Thus, Atlantic International Capital has a proven track record of successfully working with domestic and international companies providing token advisory and banking services, introducing digital asset solutions to athletes, entertainers, college and professional teams, and high-net-worth investors, and providing safe, secure, and regulated crypto-payment options for high-ticket products and services. Know Your Customer protocols are used on all its products and services.

Source: Cointelegraph



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