The #BUIDL for Web3 Hack 2022, the flagship multi-chain hackathon by Lumos Labs, announced its winning projects across 14 tracks defined by over 11 leading players from the web3 space including NFT, metaverse, gaming, decentralized finance, decentralized applications, and more. Launched in September by Lumos Labs, a Web3.0 ecosystem enabler building a developer-centric Metaverse, the Hackathon is geared up to reward potential web3 projects through the $100,000+ funding pool. Additionally, hackathon partners, Unstoppable Domains will be awarding large domain credits worth $500 to all winners along with small credits of $25 to 5000 participants.
With over 7700+ developers registered across all levels of proficiency, this multichain hackathon saw 376 submissions across the three Main tracks and eight associate tracks in addition to the open tracks to ensure diverse learning and building experiences for all the participating projects. Lumos Labs additionally augmented their outreach to these builders through a two-day Hackathon at Bengaluru and Delhi simultaneously to encourage developers to connect in real-time with mentors and peer, developers, as they build out their projects.
The top projects were announced at the Demo Day where 14 top projects out of all the other winners presented their decentralized solutions live with leading web3 industry players. The BUIDL for Web3 Hack, onboarded prime web3 players as sponsors including Polygon, Aeternity, Internet Computer as Track Sponsors and, Tezos, Arcana Network, Fluence Network, Router Protocol, Revise Network, Komet, Assetmantle, and Tatum as Associate Sponsors along with Knowledge partner IEEE Blockchain.
Kaavya Prasad, Founder, Lumos Labs, said:
“Our goal as Lumos Labs has been to bring like-minded people together to innovate and create web3 solutions with longevity and sustainability. Through our multiple programs over the years, we have learnt and interacted with thousands of developers and have got to know their needs and demands. The multi chain BUIDL for Web3 program was focused on creating an open platform for innovation where developers could have the flexibility to build on any or many chains and have a wide variety of tracks to build with. We then got the opportunity to network with, guide, and onboard over 7700+ web3 developers and to support them through their journeys. This Hackathon is a testament to the web3 mettle existing today. Our BUIDL for Web3 Hackathon was a remarkable success and we are only going to bring more such opportunities for the web3 developer community in the foreseeable future.”
Further augmenting dev-tool support and enhancing global reach, the hackathon partnered with several Web3 technology platforms and incubators as partners, namely- Unstoppable Domains, BuidlersTribe, Questbook, Blockchain Nigeria User Group, Webx DAO, Web3learn , The Product House, Truts, Penn Blockchain, Blockchain San Diago, Dapplist, patika.dev, Questbook, Statesdao, Battlebrains, and communiti.dev
Lumos Labs is currently building its developer-centric Lumos Metaverse with the objective of creating a solution to the fragmented platforms and opportunities of the web3 sector. The Metaverse aims to remove the barriers of entry for web3 developers and provide a seamless virtual environment for knowledge sharing, learning, earning, hiring, and networking to augment web3 innovations further.
Learn more about the Winners of the BUIDL for Web3 Hack (2022) here
Lumos Labs is a Singapore-based innovation management firm that specializes in running technology-open innovation programs. Founded in 2018, the company has run several accelerators and open innovation programs for multiple Indian and international technology firms, corporates, governments, and investment firms. Their services include Growth Services, Open Innovation, Start-up Enablement, and organizing large-scale developer & technology conferences & hackathons. Their clients include Binance Build for Bharat Accelerator, NEAR India Hackathon, Polkadot Buildathon: India, India Blockchain Accelerator, Microsoft Century Program, Hedera India Hackathon, The Hatch Web3 Accelerator, and more.
For more details, visit - https://www.lumoslabs.co/
Media Contact:
Susan Joseph
Head of PR, Lumos Labs
susan@lumoslabs.co | 9900029191
Alina Ahmed
PR Associate, Lumos Labs
alina@lumoslabs.co | 8826380775
Sanyam Joshi
PR Associate, Lumos Labs
sanyam@lumoslabs.co | 8447092944