This is the same tool used professionally by crypto hedge funds.
Great news, we're featured in Forbes today 🚀 We are levelling the playing field and giving you the same opportunities that institutional hedge funds have 🔥 Read now👇 @TheTIEIO @euroloughlin #bitcoin #crypto #trading #marketanalysis #indicators — CoinMetro (@CoinMetro) July 2, 2020
Although the tool appears rather simplistic, CoinMetro CEO Kevin says that the key here is that regular traders get access to exactly the same data that institutions have:
“This data that we’re displaying is the same exact data viewed at the same exact time as the institutional player. So while it may like every indicator lag price, you’re getting it in the exact same form and the same time that Fidelity has it. So they can’t front run you on that data.”
Murcko believes CoinMetro has a huge advantage over incumbents because of how they handle regulation.
Murcko also believes that the days of the Wild West are coming to an end and CoinMetro stands to benefit from this change:
“Regulation has been coming. It will come swifter and harder. AMLD5 is the tip of the iceberg to what will be coming in the U.S. and in the E.U. And we’re poised to not have any real repercussions on our business because we are overly compliant and every step of the way.”
Source: Cointelegraph | Image: Unsplash