Cryptocurrency-powered Brave Browser’s monthly active users reached 15 million by the end of May according to June 1 announcement. Its monthly active user count increased 125% over the past year.
Daily active users, on the other hand, reached 5.3 million after increasing by 165% over the past year.
5 years ago, @BrendanEich & @brianbondy co-founded Brave. Today we passed 15 million monthly active users and 5 million daily active users. Also, 1,530 privacy-preserving ad campaigns in 1 year. Thank you to our users & looking forward to our next 5 years! — Brave Software (@brave) June 1, 2020
Brave’s co-founder and CEO Brendan Eich said:
“When we first released [Brave Browser] on desktop, it was 40% of the desktop browser share and as we added mobile we found people were less willing to use it, but we are working to make it more attractive to use by making it more convenient, making it reward the user more.”
Brave Browser is an open-source web browser created by Mozilla founder and JavaScript creator Brendan Eich focussing on providing better privacy and blocking intrusive ads and trackers.
The browser also provides an opt-in advertisement system powered by the Ethereum blockchain and the firm’s proprietary Basic Attention Token (BAT).
Brave Browser’s advertisement 90-day average click-through rate is 9%, much higher than the industry average of 2%.
There have also been over one billion ad confirmation events to date, a 930% increase compared to the 97 million reported in October 2019.
Source: Cointelegraph | Image: Unsplash