The lead developer on the Litecoin Mimblewimble (MW) project, David Burkett, has built a functional testing framework and have started integrating the development work done so far into Litecoin codebase.
According to a May 1 report on the Litecointalk forums, the project to implement the MW privacy enhancements into Litecoin with the build of test-bed claims to have reached an important milestone.
April Progress Update: Functional test framework written. Block validation tests completed. Integration with the existing codebase has started. Details: — David Burkett ツ (@DavidBurkett38) May 1, 2020
Burkett claims:
“I’ve built out a functional testing framework that builds valid headers, blocks, and transactions. I’ve now got some (mostly) complete end-to-end block validation tests.”
Burkett has also began integrating his work with the Litecoin codebase, initially focusing on the ConnectBlock logic. This part of the code validates blocks before adding them to the chain.
Burkett also gave an update on his other project, Grin++, which has just achieved release candidate v1.0.0 status, marking its “first non-beta version.”
Grin++ featured the first implementation of the Mimblewimble privacy protocol, back in January 2019. The protocol aims to improve blockchain privacy, scalability, and fungibility by combining transactions in a CoinJoin.
Source: Cointelegraph | Image: Pixabay