Ong Kian Ming, Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI), has spoken about the country’s opportunities stemming from current global conditions, stating:
“Given ASEAN is a very attractive destination and the US-China conflict has given a lot of push factor for Chinese companies in the technology sector to diversify their operations overseas, it is a good time for all stakeholders here to seek opportunities to work with Chinese tech companies.” Ong Kian Ming
The Deputy Minister recently attended China’s Prime Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest or IPIEC Global 2019 ASEAN chapter finals organized by WTOIP Global, China’s technovation platform for intellectual property (IP) and corporate services.
This year, 11 projects were selected for the ASEAN chapter finals, including eight projects from Malaysia, two from Indonesia and one from Myanmar.
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However, the projects cover areas including blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), healthcare, engineering, and environment. Two projects will go on to compete against those from major economies such as Switzerland, Hong Kong, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
Raffle Chan, WTOIP Global Head of Global Business Development, said that winners of the contest will have a great opportunity to partner with potential businesses as well as government agencies across China.
ASEAN Enthusiastic About Tech from China
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Lilyana Abdul Latiff, the CEO of BETA Foundation, stated:
“When we were in China, they were under the perception that all technologies need to go to China, and they were worried that a lot of the technologies in Southeast Asia quite match up to what they already have in China.” Lilyana Abdul Latiff
She added:
“Meanwhile, Southeast Asia is interested in seeing technology out of China to come here and help our small and medium enterprises.” Lilyana Abdul Latiff