The LA-based startup, Third Millenia founded by William Shatner has partnered with the London-based “digital twin” platform, Mattereum, in order to combat counterfeiting in the NFT space, due to the rise in participation of individuals outside the crypto industry, has joined the blockchain’s metaverse.
“Digital twins” are real-world assets or physical goods that are tokenized and traded on the Mattereum platform. They are real-world asset NFTs or rwaNFTs
The partnership will be displaying the rwaNFTs of the props and souvenir from Shatner’s iconic character Captain James T. Kirk of the sci-fi series Star Trek. The authenticity of each digital twin will be certified by Ocuver, a service that is a part of the Third Millenia. Using smart contract protocols, Mattereum will take charge of recording these certified proofs on the blockchain, via asset passports which are third-party digital identification protocols vested with the duty of authenticating the identity of digital twins.
However, the items will get auctioned later on the OpenSea NFT marketplace. Shatner remarked on the initiative being a good step in making sure the provenance tracking capabilities hold quality for all the members included in the digital NFT space.
On battling counterfeiting in the NFT space, Paul Camuso, CEO of Third Millennia said:
With counterfeit goods being so readily available, there needs to be a system in place for consumers to feel safe in purchasing luxury brands, art, and collectibles. Third Millennia’s system of authentication is an effective method for ensuring consumer confidence in goods purchased in the primary and secondary markets. Consumers can feel assured that what they are buying is genuine and the system takes the doubt out of the history and provenance for future generations.
Source: Cointelegraph | Image: