Privacy-focused altcoin Monero’s Ricardo Spagni step down as the project’s lead maintainer in an upcoming reshuffle.
On a dec. 16 blog post representatives confirmed that Riccardo Spagni also known as “fluffypony” in cryptocurrency circles, will in the future serve as a backup maintainer. His replacement will be fellow developer Snipa.
The blog post reads:
“Fluffypony has served the Monero project well over its five years of existence, and he will continue to remain active in the community as a maintainer”
Snipa To Backup
Regarding the choice of Snipa as a replacement, the post added:
“Snipa is a longtime contributor to Monero. He is best known for developing a popular piece of Monero pool software and supporting the network with well-connected nodes. He has substantial coding and auditing experience, and a desire to better Monero’s processes.”
Spagni has a five-year history with the current incarnation of Monero mostly due to his active social media participation.
Source: Cointelegraph | Monero